Thursday, August 22, 2013


Do wish I could remember what my introduction was to the estimable LUSH.  I’m thinking it was a bar of their luscious soaps.  Whatever it was I was mightily pleased and LUSH soon became one of my favorite go-tos for skin care.  So, how do I love thee, LUSH, let me count the ways:
1.  Freshness
2.  Effectiveness
3.  Value

I recently received a gift of a rather pricey night cream.  Granted I’d been murmuring about wanting to try it and here it was.  My first thought was what a wonderful surprise.  Unfortunately not so.  After opening it I could only conclude that it had been on a shelf for some time.  With LUSH I’m always assured of freshness even to the “Use by” label on the container.

Ever wonder about the promises made by some skin care lines?  Wrinkles disappearing in a week?  Looking ten years younger in days?  Never known LUSH to make such claims - only as in the case of Skin’s Shangri La -  it nourishes skin with wheatgrass, seaweed and vanilla blend.  How true.  “Nourishes the skin” is the key phrase here, and it does.

When it comes to value - who isn’t price conscious these days?  While leafing through a recent issue of Lush Times everything that caught my eye was certainly price accessible while a family of four could be fed for a week at the price of some other skin care creams.

Happy to say that just a small amount of Skin’s Shangri La does the trick for me.  Love it at night and also in the a.m. as it works well with makeup.   Find it at

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